
bag removal Learn more about bag removal

  • Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

    Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

    Key points of Apple bag removal time and Management after bag removal

  • Management of Apple before and after picking bags

    Management of Apple before and after picking bags

    Management of Apple before and after picking bags

  • The latest methods of picking apple bags and matters needing attention

    The latest methods of picking apple bags and matters needing attention

    Apple bagging in order to improve fruit coloring, prevent the infection of diseases and insect pests, reduce frost, improve fruit storability and fruit commodity value, we can see the benefits of bagging. So how to remove the bag after bagging the fruit? What should I pay attention to when taking off the bag? Come together.

    2020-11-10 The latest apple bag removal method and precautions
  • Management measures of bagged fruits after bagging

    Management measures of bagged fruits after bagging

    Watering before bag watering not only promotes the fruit growth, but also has two functions: one is to reduce the sunburn after removing the bag, and the other is to change the microclimatic conditions of the orchard, increase the temperature difference between day and night, and create night dew. it is beneficial to the coloring of the fruit (it can also spray water in the evening of the fruit coloring period). The watering time is 2-3 days before removing the bag, and then watering timely according to the dry weather, the amount of water is not easy to be large, so that the soil water content is kept at about 60% of the maximum capacity in the field. Unbagging time Red Fuji apples are picking

  • The latest apple bag picking time and key points of management after bag removal

    The latest apple bag picking time and key points of management after bag removal

    Apple bagging technology is very mature in our country, and it is used in many areas, but some fruit growers are not very proficient in apple bagging technology, such as apple bagging time and post-harvest management. So let's learn it together today.

    2020-11-10 Latest Apple bag picking time and after Management Essentials
  • Bagged pears are of good quality and should be taken care of after picking bags.

    Bagged pears are of good quality and should be taken care of after picking bags.

    In recent years, pear fruit bagging technology has developed rapidly, which has played an important role in improving pear fruit quality and economic benefits. However, in the production, a few bagged pear orchards did not receive the expected results, the main reason is not the management before bagging and poor management in bagging, but the inaccurate timing of bagging and neglect of management after bagging. In view of this, it is necessary to strengthen the management of bag removal and bag removal. The time to remove the bag should be determined according to the variety and climatic conditions. In order to prevent obvious fruit spots, sunburn, fruit water loss and fruit surface pollution.

  • When is the right time to bag the grapes and when is the best time to remove the grapes?

    When is the right time to bag the grapes and when is the best time to remove the grapes?

    Grape bagging time: grapes cultivated in open field in southern China can be bagged in time after fruit setting and fruit thinning, while grapes cultivated in greenhouse and rain shelter can be bagged 15-20 days after fruit setting. Grape picking time: traditional bagging can be done before harvest.

    2020-11-08 Grape when bagging suitable unbagging better abstract
  • When is the right time for apples to be bagged?

    When is the right time for apples to be bagged?

    When is the right time for apples to be bagged?

  • When is the best time to pick the latest apple bag?

    When is the best time to pick the latest apple bag?

    Apples must be bagged after fruit, in order to protect the fruit from being eaten by insects, or can not be harmed by disease. After bagging, you can also feel more at ease to use pesticides to control diseases and insect pests. But there is time for bagging and time for bagging. When?

    2020-11-10 The latest Apple when take off the bag OK result after
  • Grape bagging technology

    Grape bagging technology

    In order to enhance the competitiveness of grape market, it has become a consensus of growers to popularize and apply bagging technology on grapes, but how to maximize the benefit of bagging? Before bagging, prepare to trim the spike one week before flowering, remove the accessory spike and 1-8 branches at the base of the main axis, and the spikelet should be reduced or not removed.

  • How to bag grape planting? Efficient bagging technology for grape planting

    How to bag grape planting? Efficient bagging technology for grape planting

    Grape is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world and is widely planted all over the world. In recent years, with the rise of the wine market, the planting area of grapes is also in.

  • Management scheme of apple in middle and late growth period

    Management scheme of apple in middle and late growth period

    Management scheme of apple in middle and late growth period

  • Matters needing attention when apples are removed from bags

    Matters needing attention when apples are removed from bags

    Although we can eat the freshest apples all the year round, there are still many difficulties in the planting process for growers. Today, the editor will introduce to you the precautions of taking off the apple bag. Let's take a look at it together. I. Apple

    2020-11-08 Apple unbagged precautions though we now
  • Bagging technology and management of kiwifruit against fruit exposure and insect damage

    Bagging technology and management of kiwifruit against fruit exposure and insect damage

    Bagging technology and management of kiwifruit against fruit exposure and insect damage

  • How to bag grapes is the best

    How to bag grapes is the best

    In order to enhance the competitiveness of grape market, it has become a consensus of growers to popularize and apply bagging technology on grapes, but how to maximize the benefit of bagging? Before bagging, prepare to trim the spike one week before flowering, remove the accessory spike and 1-8 branches at the base of the main axis, and the spikelet should be reduced or not removed.

  • How to bag kiwifruit?

    How to bag kiwifruit?

    How to bag kiwifruit? What is there to pay attention to? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that kiwifruit bagging can reduce sunburn, leaf grinding, prevent diseases and insect pests and fruit surface pollution, improve the appearance quality of fruit, and ensure the safe production of kiwifruit. The planting network sorted out the bagging operation method of kiwifruit.

  • When do grapes usually be bagged? How much is it? What kind of medicine should I take before bagging? What are the technical points?

    When do grapes usually be bagged? How much is it? What kind of medicine should I take before bagging? What are the technical points?

    Grape fruit bagging cultivation can improve fruit surface finish and coloring. As an important technical measure of pollution-free fruit, it has been widely used in production. When will the grapes be bagged? How much is it? What kind of medicine should I take before bagging? Technical key points

    2020-11-09 General grape when bagging price more less money one
  • What is the method of bagging grapes?

    What is the method of bagging grapes?

    What is the method of bagging grapes and what are the benefits of bagging? In order to enhance the competitiveness of grape market, it has become a consensus of growers to popularize and apply bagging technology on grapes, but how to maximize the benefit of bagging? Before bagging, prepare to trim the flower spike one week before flowering, remove the accessory spike and 8 at the base of the main axis.

  • Key points of bagging management for peach trees

    Key points of bagging management for peach trees

    I. Bagging time. Combined with fruit thinning with fruit bagging, there are peach borer damage orchard should be carried out before the peach borer lays eggs. Second, bagging objects. Mainly to the middle maturity and late maturity varieties, especially late maturity varieties, such as August crisp, Guoguang honey, Chushu red, red snow peach

    2020-11-08 seed peach tree peach fruit bagging management key points one
  • Technology of removing bag and changing color of Lentinus edodes

    Technology of removing bag and changing color of Lentinus edodes

    The yield of Lentinus edodes planted in bags is often not high, and one of the key reasons is that the technology of removing bags and changing color does not pass. The successful color conversion was characterized by villous mycelium lodging, showing a thin brown and glossy bacterial membrane. The failure of color conversion is shown as follows: 1. The color conversion was too light or the uneven mycelium was grayish white or grayish black, due to the high temperature of more than 28 ℃ for several days, or the low temperature below 12 ℃, resulting in poor mycelium growth. The salvage measures are as follows: when the temperature is too high, it should be ventilated in the morning and evening.
